Authenticating to the DataLake using kerberos utilities

The DataLake service uses kerberos to vierify identity of users. The DataLake CLI performs this step automatically but if the WebHDFS is used using CURL, preliminary kerberos authentication is required.

Kerberos credentials can be obtained from the infrastructure editor at and an utility called kinit is used to obtain an authentication ticket.


Installing kerberos utilities in MacOS X

Already built into the operating system

Installing kerberos utilities in CentOS/Redhat

yum -y install krb5-workstation

Installing kerberos utilities in Ubuntu

apt-get install krb5-user

kinit requires a file called krb5.conf, containing the Kerberos server address, the ticket defaults, and other configuration information. The configuration information is also retrieved from the Bigstep Infrastructure editor.

Place this file into the /etc directory on your system.

$ kinit k233
[email protected]'s Password: 
$ klist
Credentials cache: API:3625966A-C8BA-4DA4-A17D-A5F22E328F2D
Principal: [email protected]

Issued                Expires               Principal
Jun 18 17:22:43 2015  Jun 19 17:22:36 2015  krbtgt/[email protected]

Creating a keytab

Tickets are stored in the client OS’s system-wide cache and can be used by multiple applications simultaneously.

To avoid entering the password each time kinit is used (for instance in a script), a keytab file can be provided. It stores the hash of the password that is sent to the server to retrieve the ticket.

Creating a keytab file depends on the operating system used, however it should be fairly straightforward. Multiple hashes with different hashing algorithms can be used (created with different encryption types), for maximum compatibility.

As tickets expire after a while, they can be renewed without entering the password by issuing either kinit -R or by using a daemon called k5start.

Destroying a Kerberos ticket

The tickets can be destroyed by using kdestroy:

$ kdestroy

Destroying the tickets will not close browser/CURL active sessions. The user must manually delete all the cookies or cookie jars associated with these sessions.